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Eurolink United Limited– international investment company, founded in 2015 in Malta,
focused on the implementation of ambitious projects and successfully developed companies within UK, Germany and Denmark.

  • FOUNDER of the Company well established businessman and investor with over 25 years of experience in the banking industry and business management. Investment portfolio encompasses real estate, medicine start-up projects and new and future technologies. The education and practical experience of the founder of the Company contributed significantly to the creation of modern innovative projects in accordance with the requirements of modern times. 
  • OUR TEAM - Our team consists of professionals with international qualifications and extensive experience in investment and asset management.  Collaborations with major international partners and private investors largely explain our success. Cooperation, synergy, exchange of experience and deep knowledge allow our team to form an accurate picture of each transaction and, as a result, implement profitable investment projects. 
  • THE INTERNATIONAL EXPERIENCE - of the team, combined with a practical approach, multiplied by long-term extensive international relations, helps Eurolink to maximize profits from transactions. Сonstantly studying the best international practices and exchange of experience gives the Eurolink the opportunity to implement non-standard projects at the highest level of expertise.